brigitta muntendorf

Public Privacy #5 ARIA

music / video
Brigitta Muntendorf

April 2016 | Wittener Tage für Neue Kammermusik

performer / written for
Malgorzata Walentynowicz

9:00 min

technical setup
video projection (16:9, three options: a) prerecorded video or b) live camera in front of the performer c) both projections), stereo-tape, sampler with local amplification + sampler program (for example NI-Kontakt), TC Helicon Voicelive 2 effect device for voice

for sampler/voice and fixed media

Excerpt Public Privacy #5 ARIA // Terzwerk TV

Piano Cover is the second piece in the series Public Privacy for solo instrument and fixed media, in which a live performer enters into a dialogue with Youtube instrumentalists. The series explores the form I call Social Composing and the related question of the demarcation between the private and the public.

“Come into my inhabitable world”. With this spoken sentence the pianist opens Public Privacy #5 voice “Aria” and enters into an interplay between spoken words and triggered samples of a voice. The voice is sighing, soughing, singing. Is it possible to be touched in any way by a digital voice, by a sample? Is the digital revolution able to change our perception and our feelings, our relationships, our sense of building communities, to undertake them? Public Privacy#Aria invites us to enter the territory of an interplay between retrieval and creation.