brigitta muntendorf

Public Privacy #4 E-guitar

02.04.2015 deSingel | Antwerp (BE)

performer / written for
Nico Couck

7:00 min

technical setup
video projection (16:9), stereo-tape, TC-Helicon Voicelive II (effect device original for voice, rental by the composer), local amplification of the e-guitar

for e-guitar solo and fixed media

The series Public Privacy for solo instrument, video and tape deals with the dialectic between the PRIVATE and the PUBLIC  – which is nowhere better portrayed than in Social Media. I call the artistic work with the fundamental functionality and with the different forms of social media presentation in a musical context Social Composing as a derivation of Social Media Art.

The first three pieces of Public Privacy deal with the phenomenon of covering which contain the transformation of the private youtube-living room into a public stage and happening.  Public Privacy #4 with the undertitel Leap in the dark generates it’s material from video recordings I filmed while I visited Nico Couck for a tryout in Ghent. The travel from Cologne to Ghent, the meeting of the interpreter, the orientation in a foreign city are invisible procedures in a composition process, private measures for the beginning of a composition that are turned inside out to the public as an object of creativity. Going even further into the private is the individual perception, the filters and the associations that create a personal reality – and these associations refer in turn to youtube-hit-sequences of different horror movies of the seventies and eighties, celebrated sequences to entertain the public and to form a public consciousness.